Every Man, Woman, & Child.....
that's right.....can you imagine what it would look like if every man, woman, and child in NORTH AUSTIN had the chance to hear the life chaging reality of Jesus Christ from the lips of someone they know. Make it even more personal: what if EMW&C in your neigborhood heard the gospel, in you work place, in your school......we could change the world. Can you imagine what it would look like if your friends, neighbors and co-workers were living out of the center of God's purpose for their life......to know Him & give Him GLORY???? There are 258K in North Austin, 1.4 million people in greater Austin, 300 million is the US and over 1.5 billion on the planet.......are you taking responsibility for your circle of influence? Join us in reaching both our neigbors and the 10-40 Window......Ask God for His heartbeat and agenda - and then join Him quickly!!