I Need Your Advice!!
So I have talked to hundreds of people in recent weeks about the start of this new church.....and for the most part, find that people are open to the idea - even if they don't believe what i believe....only a few have been rude about it.
I need your help!!! So what advice would you give me as we start a new church in North Austin? I am a pastor....here's your chance to tell me what you think!! Why do people stay away from church? What factors would cause you to investigate church....the principles of the Bible, Jesus? What turns you off about church? How would you reach out to those who are not Christ followers or church goers? I look forward to reading your post.
I need your help!!! So what advice would you give me as we start a new church in North Austin? I am a pastor....here's your chance to tell me what you think!! Why do people stay away from church? What factors would cause you to investigate church....the principles of the Bible, Jesus? What turns you off about church? How would you reach out to those who are not Christ followers or church goers? I look forward to reading your post.
Pastor Brady & Christy,
Pray pray pray for a diligent staff and God raising up those leaders for Cross Roads Commnunity Church that will share in the same vision as your own for CRC and it's congregation.
Don't loose heart or site on attendance numbers whether it'll be large numbers in the beginning or visa versa low numbers. All that matters is what you have. The numbers will be there.
Don't let a brother/sister in Christ push their ideas upon you in comparisons to other neighboring churches. ie(This church does this, we should do it too.)
Never be influenced by those who tithe well for CRC. Better yet, never find out who and where the tithe comes from. It's safer for you not to know.
"Why do people stay away from church?..."What turns you off about church?"
These two questions are pretty much of the same answer. Hypocrisy!!! We live in a society where Christians are being closely watched by those who are not believers. They await for us to fall into a deep sin just so they can point fingers at us and tell us, "Why should I be a Christian? You've done this/that."
That's all. I also want to say, it was great seeing you and the family at Cracker Barrel. Hope your dinner was as delicous as ours.
I agree with the comments from "delrosr". I would add, "preach the Word!" That's all you have to do. That's what Christ did. He didn't have P/W rock bands, flashing lights, cool videos, dark theatre type auditoriums, etc. He preached the Word. Don't start asking, "what can I do to make the gospel more attractive to non-believers?" The gospel is not attractive, it's foolishness, it's crazy, it's convicting. Nothing you can do will change that, only the spirit working in someones heart will make them accept the truth. Who are we to think that we need to do something to make the gospel or Christ look attractive. And whatever you do, don't remove the cross hanging in your sanctuary. Or if you don't have a sanctuary yet, make sure you put one there so people can see it. Don't be afraid it might offend someone. The cross does offend people and it should. It shows them their sin.
Also, encourage your staff, workers, volunteers. Every chance you get, build them up, thank them, praise them. It will go a long way.
I speak from experience, although I was not a lead pastor. I watched our pastor do the opposite of what I have mentioned and he is and will be paying the price for it. I was the worship/arts pastor for 2 years.
If you'd like to talk or share more comments, I'd be glad to.
Tom....thanks for your thoughts. As a pastor in the established church for more than 12 years....i agree with your advice on 'preach the word'.....but your comment 'that's all you have to do' i beleive is an overstatement. For year's I have sat isolated with many christians in the four walls of the church listening to sermon after sermon (even some good one's along the way!) sitting in Sunday School or a small group studying God's Word. The problem was/is = those who are not Christ followers are not showing up to those environments, i.e. the church. And they (non-christ follower's) are not showing up (in large number's) to the padded pews of traditional churches with organs, pianos, & crosses or to edgy-hip, relevant environments that you describe in your post. Most people not following Christ (85% in Austin, TX) are not coming because they perceive Christians to be Hypocritical, Judmental, Homophobic, Sheltered, Too Political, & Just interested in getting people saved. Perception, as you know becomes reality. That's why I think just merely preaching the word to Christians week after week is not enough. Christ-followers must engage the culture and be the hands and feet of Jesus to a hurting and broken world. We are the conduit of grace & mercy to the world. Yes we must stay connected to the Word, but we must go to the people as well. We can not pretend that the relgion of isolation will work any longer. We must become the missionary to our zip code and go to the people as Jesus did. Afterall, Jesus came to seek and save that which was lost.....they are valuable to God. Jesus did not come to heal the well - but those who are sick......the last time I checked - that is all of us.
So yes......absolutely, we must preach the word. But we cannot do it independantly of engaging our culture and pursuing authentic relationships with men & women outside the church. 'Outsiders' opinions matter because they matter to God. Afterall, most men & women have no issues with Jesus....just the church and those of us who call ourselves Christians!
Brady, before I get into your post, can I assume since you live in Texas, that you're a Cowboys fan? If so, you guys really did a number on my Bears Sunday night. Whew! Good job. I hope we can bounce back against the Lions. Actually it's good to see the Cowboys back up there. The league hasn't seemed the same lately with them not being one of the top teams in the NFL.
I can never tell by e-mail or blog posts, if a person is upset or not because you can't see their facial expressions or hear their tone of voice. I hope I don't bug you with my comments. I just see this as an opportunity to be honest with someone and not have to worry about hurting a friendship since, we don't have one.
Anyway, I didn't mean to give you the impression I was saying "Just preach the Word" and that's all you have to do. I just meant "preach the word" emphatically, not exclusively like thats all you have to do. Most certainly I agree you need to engage the culture, be His hands and feet, so to speak. You're right, non-believers are not showing up to bible studys, church, S.S. classes whether traditional or edgy, or whatever. That's what I meant by the pastor equipping the church to go out and lead them to have a voice in the world.
Don't get the idea I think church needs to be traditional, with hymns, pews and all that stuff. I come from that background but I love the edgy, contemporary stuff. I guess they both have there place. My son who is fifteen plays drums and is in a band doing original alternative christian rock and likes Anberlin, Switchfoot, Falling Up and other bands. I encourage it and even like some of it. The Praise Team I led at church did some very edgy stuff. For example, one song we did was "All to You" by Lincoln Brewster. If you haven't heard it, check it out. We had some guitarists that could really rock. All that just to say, I may be 52 years old but I'm young at heart and like things edgy. Don't forget the hymns though. There are still a few good ones. Ha!
Don't get me started on that thing about "perception becomes reality" man. In any situation there's only one thing that's true. All the other perceptions are false. Like in an auto accident, only one thing is the truth, but five people watching may have each seen it differently. It doesn't make each of them right, ya know what I mean? People may perceice the church to be a certain thing to them but if you go by each persons perception of what the church is, you'll never figure it out. Don't take my advice, but don't listen to what everybody else thinks either. Get so close to God that you do what He wants, ok?
I have to say one more thing Brady. That quote about, "most men and women have no issues with Jesus, just the church...."
Brady, don't fall for that one. I've heard that one from a few people and it's a lie straight out of hell. Granted there are some offensive, so called christians out there. But you being a pastor as long as you have know that in the scripture it says "When the world hates you, remember it hated me before it hated you. The world would love you if you belonged to it, but you don't. I chose you out of the world, and so it hates you." There are other passages that talk about us not being liked to say the least, and it's because we are Christ followers. We are set apart from the world, we are aliens and strangers. Now I know Christians have done a few things to hurt our cause but mainly the world doesn't like us because they don't like Him. Practically everyone I know, (non-believers) goes to some church and they don't have a problem with it. But as soon as you mention the name, "Jesus" or the word, "sin" it's a different story brother. Another good book I suggest you read is by Franklin Graham. I think it's called simply, "The Name." You don't have to look far Brady to see the controversy that the name Jesus causes. People hate it. People are offended by it. People want to kill because of it. People don't want to go to organized sunday services because of it. It's not because of Christians or hymnals that people want to get the name of God off of money, or abolish prayer, or get the ten commandments out of sight. It's because they hate God (Jesus) and everything He stands for including having to change their lifestyle if they go to "Church" and see their sin.
Brady, I don't really know why I picked you to write these things to. I don't believe it is just random or anything. There's got to be a reason. Anyway, if you read this far, thanks for listening.
Brady, I came accross this verse in John today during the service. It reminded me of how much of a lie that statement is about the world not minding Jesus, it's christians or His bride they have a problem with. John 14:17. He is the Holy Spirit, who leads into all truth. The world at large cannot receive Him, because it isn't looking for Him and doesn't recognize Him. But you do, because He lives with you now and later will be in you.
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